Convention (Cradle-compatible) (E2)

Revision as of 18:23, 28 April 2022 by GreenReaper (talk | contribs) (Updated Schema text: HTTPS required for local resources.)
language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enConvention (Cradle-compatible)edit
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

PREFIX xsd: <> 
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX edtf: <>

/* validates with CORS Everywhere extension enabled with whitelist: /^https?\// 
   using ShEx2 Validator:[]&textMapIsSparqlQuery&schemaURL=//

* query for all instances of ConFuzzled:
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
SELECT ?eventInstance { ?eventSeries wfdt:P2 wfd:Q2. ?eventInstance wfdt:P1 ?eventSeries.}

* alt direct query map: wfd:Q4@START
* selects:

start = @<Convention>

<Convention> EXTRA wdt:P1 {
  # instance of
  wdt:P1 @<ConventionSeries> ;

  # start time
  wdt:P6 xsd:dateTime +;

  # period
  wdt:P16 edtf:EDTF ?;

  # attendance
  wdt:P5 xsd:decimal ?;

  # official website
  wdt:P4 IRI ?;

  # coordinate location
  wdt:P3 geo:wktLiteral ?;

<ConventionSeries> EXTRA wdt:P2 {
  # subclass of furry convention
  wdt:P2 [wd:Q2] ;