Convention (E1)

Revision as of 21:40, 25 March 2021 by GreenReaper (talk | contribs) (Updated Schema text: Fixup after testing with
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enConvention(usually annual) instance of a organized gathering of furriesfurcon | furry conedit
PREFIX wfd: <>
PREFIX wfdt: <>
PREFIX wfp: <>
PREFIX wfps: <>
PREFIX wfpq: <>

PREFIX xsd: <> 

# potential query for confuzzled: select ?convention where { ?eventSeries wfdt:P2 wfd:Q2. ?convention wfd:P1 ?eventSeries }

# validates on
# query map : wd:Q4@START
# tested against content of and parts of

start = @<Convention>

<Convention> {
  # instance of
  wfdt:P1 @<ConventionSeries> ?;

  # start time
  wfdt:P6 xsd:dateTime +;

  # attendance
  wfdt:P5 xsd:decimal ?;

<ConventionSeries> {
  # subclass of furry convention
  wfdt:P2 [wfd:Q2] ;